“Pretty and Smart” Board

Now, here’s an idea that is super easy and will make your smart board “pretty” as well as “smart”! I took this picture several years ago when I did a workshop for KIRPC Head Start in Indiana. The teacher said she bought sheets, tied the ends with ribbons, and then hung them on hooks around the smart board. (You could also purchase a piece of fabric to make your curtain.)

SMART Board Contestant

Julie Cunday said she uses this chant to choose children for a smart board activity:
     Child’s name come on down.
     You’re the next contestant on
     Name that number (letter, etc.).
PowerPoint Relay Race

Leslie Willis uses this game for sight words, numbers, letters, and so forth. One child is “it.” When a word comes up on the smart board, that child runs up, touches the word, and then tags a friend.


Here’s where you can find out more about our HAPPIES:



 And here’s where you can register for the “Back to School” webinar I’ll be doing on August 9th:


Retelling Center

Children love hearing familiar stories again and again.  Retelling familiar stories is one way children begin to read and to love reading.

I love to set up a Retelling Center in my classroom.  It’s easy to do, and always a favorite!  After we have read a story, and I know the children are very familiar with it, I add it to the center.  I gather together props that go with the story and will help the children retell it and act it out if they want.  Some children just enjoy reading the books, but others love those props!  I store the props in a very large Ziplock baggie, so I have them ready for the following year.

These aren’t the best pictures, but it gives you an idea of some props we used for, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, by Laura Numeroff.

You could send a letter home to families and make this a class family project, asking them for certain items you may want, that they may have.

I kept a list of different props I hoped to find, and whenever I stopped at a garage sale, I always had something to look for.  The Kohl’s Cares animals make great additions to these centers, too.

The Retelling Center is just another way to keep reading fun and encourage more of it!

Every month, Dr. Jean and I have lots of reading activities, as well as activities and songs for all subject areas, in our monthly HAPPIES packets!  You can find these at Dr. Jean’s website or at my TpT Store!

On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI ,sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!



Thank you for stopping by!

Lockdown Drills

Unfortunately, lockdown drills are a reality most of us face at our schools.  Last year, I wrote a simple book called,  Why Are We Having a Lockdown Drill? , that helps to explain the “why” behind the drill in a gentle, positive way.  It’s free at my TpT store if you’d like a copy.  I read it in the beginning of the year when we are discussing drills, and then I read it and talk about it after we have our drills, just as a reminder.

I know each school has its own rules and procedures, so this book doesn’t go into that, but instead focuses on two important rules that we all need our students to follow:  1. Be great listeners and 2. Be still and silent. This book is a good introduction that teachers can expand on with their own rules, expectations, and procedures after reading.

I wanted the book to be easy to understand, and to let the children know that a lockdown drill is just another way grown-ups are trying to keep everyone safe.  I hope you find it useful and that you have a wonderful, safe, happy school year!

Every month, Dr. Jean and I have lots of reading activities, as well as activities and songs for all subject areas, in our monthly HAPPIES packets!  You can find these at Dr. Jean’s website or at my TpT Store!

On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI , sharing lots of back to school ideas.  Log in to the webinar as early as you can, because the first 1000 to log in will receive this “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!

Have fun and thank you for stopping by!

iPad Management

We have five iPads in the classroom that I use for centers.

Since some learning games require students to sign in so they can continue where they left off, I have certain iPads assigned to certain students, one from each group as we switch.  I take a picture of the students who will always use a certain iPad and use that for the screen saver.  Ta da! They always know which one to use. This has helped me  a lot, so I wanted to pass it on!

Don’t forget to check out the monthly HAPPPIES packets Dr. Jean and I created.  You can find these at Dr. Jean’s website or at my TpT Store!

On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI ,sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!

Have fun and thank you for stopping by!

Remember Who YOU Are!

One of my favorite back to school activities isn’t really a hands-on activity for the children, but let’s say a ‘hearts-on’ activity for you.  Keep a picture of  you, when you were the age of the children you are teaching, right by your desk.   I have a picture of me right after I lost a tooth, wearing my all-time-favorite summer pajamas that my great grandmother made for me. (I do have both arms in real life!) This picture is on my magnetic board at my desk.


I look at that picture many times throughout the day, and it keeps me centered.  I remember to see my children as I see that little girl in the picture- a sweet, 5 year old, innocent child.  I can remember my hopes for kind friends, my worries about my short haircut, (My mother always kept my hair short to ‘thicken it up’… because mine was so fine and straight, and my sister had ringlets that wouldn’t stop!), my worries about the bus, my hopes that my teacher to like me and I wouldn’t make mistakes…

It’s a powerful reminder as a teacher to be able to step back and remember, and to set aside all of our current, adult concerns, so we look at our classroom and our activities through the eyes of that child.


Would I have been excited to learn each day with me as a teacher? Would I have needed a break from worksheets so I could play with no pressure for a while? Would I have been upset if someone were yelling at another child?  Would I have worried if I didn’t hear the directions and needed them repeated, but was afraid to ask? Would a smile or a hug from my teacher have meant the world to me?  Would I have loved to be able to sing and dance and laugh?

Go get  your picture and have a wonderful, ‘happie’ school year!  If you’d like some ideas to make your room happie from start to finish each day, all year long, you’ll find all you need and more in our packets!  Click HERE for a full year of HAPPIES!


On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI ,sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!


Thank you for stopping by!



Back to School Books

Having some great go-to books those first days of school is such a lifesaver.  Here are some of my favorites I’d love to share with you today.

I LOVE this one:

It is silly and fun- and one of my favorite pages talks about how if ONE person touches a wall, there is a smudge- but if EVERYBODY did… and the page is all black.   I refer to  that page a lot as we walk in the hall, because my kids are just drawn to that wall to touch it. It is somehow irresistible…

This is a fun book for a beginning of the year writing activity.  The illustrations are great. The children feel so successful when they can draw a  picture showing how they would like to get to school.  You can make these pictures into a classroom book.

This is a good way to introduce kindergarten to your new class:

I love Kevin Henkes books- and any of those are fabulous choices.  Chrysanthemum is a great story for introducing names. We revisit this book a few times during the year.  The first week, I use it to introduce our name chart.  Later, after we do our “crumpled heart” lesson on kindness, we read this story again and crumple a Chrysanthemum picture each time someone says something mean about her name.  Afterward, we show how we can try to straighten out the picture, but it is still crumpled and hurt, just like our feelings when someone is mean.  Apologizing makes things better- but never quite the same as before.  It makes me sort of sad just thinking about it!

I use The Very Busy Spider, by Eric Carle, to introduce two things.  The first thing is my love of all of Eric Carle’s books.  Second, after we read this story, I talk about how the spider couldn’t be disturbed while he was busy spinning his web.  I have a little spider beanbag that I leave on my reading table while I am working with a reading group.  My independent center workers know that when that is on my table, I am busy like the very busy spider and shouldn’t be disturbed.  It is just one more way to try to explain to them to work independently and save questions for me until I am not a busy spider!

(Mine is a little smaller and made of felt, but you get the idea!)


And of course…

I have the children press a painted hand print over a heart with a poem to send home with the children the first day.  I also made the sugar cookies with a Hershey kiss in the middle.  These are from Ducks ‘N a Row, and these are how the cookies are supposed to look.

Kissing Hand1

Ready… wait for it… these were how mine looked:


I’m pretty sure it’s not, The Kissing Baseball Glove… anyway- I got it together and figured them out.  Even the ones that weren’t so pretty were well-loved by my kids.  Reason #4395 why I love teaching 5 year olds!

You can also just place a Hershey Kiss in the middle of each child’s hand for her to eat after you read the story…  That takes away all the guessing of how the cookies will turn out!

I love using writing prompts with my students.  Our Happies Packets have lots of book idea and writing prompts throughout them to use as a follow-up activity, center activity, or a perfect sub plan lesson.  The complete set price is like getting 2 months free!  It includes 1275 pages and over 135 of Dr. Jean’s songs- with books, activities, Prezis, lessons, ELA, math, science, social studies, character education… EVERYTHING you could want or need.  You can check out all the monthly previews on the individual listings for each packet to see what’s in each.


On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI , sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!

I hope you found some fun books to use as you begin your year!  Thank you for stopping by!




All Sorts of Fun!

Sorting and classifying are great ways to dive into math, without it even feeling like math.

Children love to sort. You can fill tubs with anything- button collections, blocks, old keys, small plastic animals, or beans!

My children also love sorting the Pattern Blocks.

Using the Pattern Blocks is a good way to have children start talking about shapes using math vocabulary, too.  They can compare and contrast shapes, talk about their similarities and differences, name them, and tell how many sides, corners, vertices or corners each has.

Another fun sorting activity for the beginning of the year is to work with small groups sorting letters. I start with four letters.  Gather all sorts of magnetic letters, rubber letters, and letter squares (any kinds of letters you have!) for the letters you will work on. When you are just beginning, have the child say the letter  each time he puts a letter on the big paper. As the children sort and say the letter name, I say the sound each time, so they transition to saying that, too.

This is a quick activity you can have out and ready to do with students any time you have a few extra minutes.  Here’s a hint:  If you do this right before recess with a group, you will be amazed how quickly they sort, so they can get right outside!  We have so much fun with this.

When we moved, I discovered we had so many shells.  The children love sorting these on their sandpaper “beach” mats. Valu Home Center had 10 sheets of sandpaper for $1!

You can sort the children when you’re all on the rug.  Sort them into groups by hair color, eye color, boy/girl, shirt color, shorts/pants/dresses, pant color, anything you can think of!  Then, have the children try to guess how they’ve been sorted. OR… sort their shoes!

And finally snack,  the  learning fun never ends…

Here is a fun little Character Education activity to do with sorting!

If we were all alike, it wouldn’t be as much fun in our classrooms. Our differences make us special- like this macaroni! (Or some days ‘wacky’ like this macaroni!)  We learn to appreciate the special gifts we each have. 


It’s fun to talk about the different noodles- shapes and colors- and compare it to our class family. We are all different shapes, sizes, colors- and we all have different strengths and things we are good at- like drawing, writing, singing, tying shoes, running fast, … – and that is what makes our class special.  It wouldn’t be fun to sort a bowl of all plain elbow macaroni!  

Our Happies Packets have lots more fun, hands-on learning ideas- as well as everything else you could need!


On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI ,sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!

Have all sorts of fun in your classroom this year!  Thanks for stopping by!

Criss-Cross Applesauce

I thought I would share a fun settle down poem for the rug.  Some days I say the first part, “Criss-Cross,” and they say, “Applesauce.”  Some days the girls say the first part, and the boys say the second part.  Some days the leader says the first part… some days if you wear blue you say the first part… some days we whisper the first part and say the second part LOUDLY…  You just never know!  But the kids love it.

Criss-Cross -Applesauce

Hands in lap- Gingersnap

Back straight- Chocolate shake

On my rear- Root beer

Lips zipped- Cool whipped



Dr. Jean and I have different attention grabbers, cheers, and finger plays, as well as activities and songs for all subject areas, in each of our monthly HAPPIES packets!  You can find these at Dr. Jean’s website or at my TpT Store.

On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI , sharing lots of back to school ideas.  The first 1000 teachers to register will receive our “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!


Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!

Happie #14 – Sitter Spot

I always had a rug in my classroom and it created an intimate feeling when we sat in a circle. I didn’t like assigning seats with messy tape because I wanted the children to sit by different friends. However, there were often two mischief makers that needed to be separated. Sitter spots were an easy “trick” to disperse students and manipulate where they sat.

Cut 7” or 8” circles out of fun foam or felt. Write children’s names on these or let them decorate with permanent markers. Before a story or other activity arrange the spots to create a positive group. Children find their spot and take a seat.
*Let children take turns arranging the spots.

My Reading Spot

Use these for independent reading time.  Children get to take their “spot” and put it anywhere in the classroom.  It will make reading a little more fun when they get to choose their special place.


Happie # 13 – Song Pops

Do you ever have a “mental pause” moment when you can’t think of a song or finger play to entertain your students? This might happen while you’re waiting for the group to join you for a story or when you have a few extra minutes at the end of the day. You can make these song pops with your favorite songs, nursery rhymes, and finger plays before school starts and then you’ll always have something to do during those “in between” times.  

P.S.  You know how LONG those first few days of school are!  These will be great to entertain your kiddles and get through the day.


Materials: colored cardstock, glue, markers, jumbo craft sticks

Directions:   Make a list of your favorite finger plays, songs, and nursery rhymes. Cut 3” circles out of the heavy paper and write the titles for these songs and rhymes on the circles. (I also like to add a little picture clue.) Glue the circles to the jumbo craft sticks and you’ll have song pops. Store these in a plastic cup and when you’ve got a few extra minutes invite a child to choose a song pop. That child can help you lead their classmates in the activity.

As the year progresses, add new song pops for the tunes and poems that the children learn.

Hint! Let older students create their own song pops with their favorite songs and rhymes.