Lockdown Drills

Unfortunately, lockdown drills are a reality most of us face at our schools.  Last year, I wrote a simple book called,  Why Are We Having a Lockdown Drill? , that helps to explain the “why” behind the drill in a gentle, positive way.  It’s free at my TpT store if you’d like a copy.  I read it in the beginning of the year when we are discussing drills, and then I read it and talk about it after we have our drills, just as a reminder.

I know each school has its own rules and procedures, so this book doesn’t go into that, but instead focuses on two important rules that we all need our students to follow:  1. Be great listeners and 2. Be still and silent. This book is a good introduction that teachers can expand on with their own rules, expectations, and procedures after reading.

I wanted the book to be easy to understand, and to let the children know that a lockdown drill is just another way grown-ups are trying to keep everyone safe.  I hope you find it useful and that you have a wonderful, safe, happy school year!

Every month, Dr. Jean and I have lots of reading activities, as well as activities and songs for all subject areas, in our monthly HAPPIES packets!  You can find these at Dr. Jean’s website or at my TpT Store!

On August 9th, Dr. Jean will be doing a webinar for ESGI , sharing lots of back to school ideas.  Log in to the webinar as early as you can, because the first 1000 to log in will receive this “Back to School Happies” packet FREE!!!  The packet is packed with 15 songs and over 100 pages of classroom management, math, literacy, QR codes, Prezis, books, finger plays, seasonal activities.  You can get this $14.95 treasure by registering HERE today!

Have fun and thank you for stopping by!

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