“Pretty and Smart” Board

Now, here’s an idea that is super easy and will make your smart board “pretty” as well as “smart”! I took this picture several years ago when I did a workshop for KIRPC Head Start in Indiana. The teacher said she bought sheets, tied the ends with ribbons, and then hung them on hooks around the smart board. (You could also purchase a piece of fabric to make your curtain.)

SMART Board Contestant

Julie Cunday said she uses this chant to choose children for a smart board activity:
     Child’s name come on down.
     You’re the next contestant on
     Name that number (letter, etc.).
PowerPoint Relay Race

Leslie Willis uses this game for sight words, numbers, letters, and so forth. One child is “it.” When a word comes up on the smart board, that child runs up, touches the word, and then tags a friend.


Here’s where you can find out more about our HAPPIES:



 And here’s where you can register for the “Back to School” webinar I’ll be doing on August 9th:


Author: happies4teachers

We have over 60+ years teaching, singing, and loving children! Our goal is to make teaching and learning more fun with little "happies" that can add smiles and joy to your day!

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